
Communion Service: 7 March

Leader: Dorothy Thomson

This Sunday, being the first Sunday of the month, is a communion service.

You may join in by using this web page as normal, or via the 'Northgate URC Darlington' YouTube channel. (hymns acccompanied by Robin plus Communion, not including reading, reflection or blessing).
This was video-recorded in church.

Many thanks to Dot, Robin Salisbury and Harry Marshall for putting this together.

If you prefer, a DVD or CD version of the video is available from Bob Jones.

This page is best viewed in Landscape orientationwood

You will appreciate the sound better if you use earphones or an external loudspeaker, whatever type of device you view on.

Opening words: Psalm 19: 7 - 9

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statues of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.

May it be our prayer that God grants us wisdom as we work on earth to fulfil His Church's story.

Hymn 344 God of Grace and God of glory
tune: Rhuddlan, with Intro.

1. God of grace and God of glory,
on thy people pour thy power;
now fulfil thy church's story;
bring her bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of this hour.

2. Lo, the hosts of evil round us
scorn thy Christ, assail his ways;
from the fears that long have bound us
free our hearts to faith and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days.

3. Cure thy children's warring madness,
bend our pride to thy control;
shame our wanton selfish gladness,
rich in goods and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
lest we miss thy kingdom's goal.

4. Save us from weak resignation,
To the evils we deplore;
Let the gift of thy salvation
Be our glory evermore.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Serving thee whom we adore.

H. E. Fosdick (1878 - 1969) altd.


Lord as we gather together this morning, albeit it in our separate homes, may we feel your grace and glory.

May we be wise in the things we say and the things we do. You have given us laws to live by, forgive us when we do not follow them. We know that 'the law of the Lord is perfect' and yet so often we do or say or think the wrong thing. We are sorry and pray that You guide us daily in walking Your way.

As we read, sing and think about Your words this morning may they fill us with Your wisdom and may we have Your courage 'for the living of these days'. Amen

Reading: Exodus 20: 1-17:
Moses receives the ten commandments

(I encourage you to read this passage yourself - before you do, can you remember all 10 commandments?) The New Testament tells us that the greatest of these is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart.

20 And God spoke all these words: 2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3 “You shall have no other gods before me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labour and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

12 “Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

13 “You shall not murder.

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

15 “You shall not steal.

16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.”


Do you 'obey' the rules? Are you of the mind that 'rules are there to be broken'?

Under the current restrictions we find ourselves in, we seem to constantly being bombarded with new 'rules' - social distancing, wearing face masks, washing hands, not mixing with other people, not travelling further than 5 miles from home, to mention but a few. For the most part people understand that these rules are for our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others, yet some still choose to 'break the rules'.

If you are anything like me, you probably feel rather frustrated when they do. I can get quite irritated when others do not give way on the pavement and I'm the one who has to step into the road to get passed a group of 3 filling the pavement. But who does my frustration affect? Well it only affects me not them. My irritation only impacts on my thoughts not theirs. Perhaps I need to learn to be more patient and forgiving, after all isn't that what God does. How much more saddened must He be every time we break one of His rules.

God gave rules and regulations to protect us, to help us live lives worthy of Him. Not everyone will adhere to them and even those who try their best to keep them fall short and often get it wrong.

We are told that the law of the Lord is perfect, trustworthy, right and pure. If we follow the rules, God tells us that He will make us wise, give joy to our hearts, and light to our eyes.

We will not always get it right but if we can use the commandments as a yard stick they will help us to be more 'God like'. Many feel the bible is full of 'you can nots' but most of the can nots are actually very sensible. It is the additional rules we create to supplement His, that lead to confusion and misunderstanding. The Pharisees were guilty of this and were often reprimanded (gently) by Jesus. We too can be guilty of creating rules that are not filled with God's wisdom and His wisdom is wiser than even the wisest man.

In order to follow the rules we must first read them (how many of us get a new game, or flat pack furniture and set to without reading the rules and instructions - failure often follows those who don't) My challenge this week is to encourage you to read God's word as they are life and health, they will strengthen us and teach us. Through God's word will we find wisdom.

Hymn 321: Your words to me are life and health
tune: Capel, with Intro.

1. Your words to me are life and health;
put strength into my soul;
enable, guide, and teach my heart
to reach its perfect goal.

3. Your words to me are full of joy,
of beauty, peace and grace;
from them I learn your perfect will,
through them I see your face.
2. Your words to me are light and truth;
from day to day I know
their wisdom, passing human thought,
as in their truth I grow.

4. Your words are perfected in one,
yourself, the living Word;
print your own image in my heart
in clearest lines, my Lord.

G. Currie Martin (1865 - 1937)


Lord in these unusual times we pray that you would guide us and teach us, give us the wisdom to be your hands, on earth.

Many are struggling to cope with the restrictions, rules, and impact of isolation. May we be vehicles of your message of love to those we know.

Be with all coping with difficult family circumstances, perhaps home schooling is a bit more than can be managed. May be, not being able to see loved ones and family face to face, is leading to sadness and frustration. Be with each of them and surround them with Your love.

Many are finding finances a challenge at the moment - may they find support and encouragement from the many organisations able to help.

Be with those of our church family who are feeling alone, lonely or isolated. May they receive your touch of love through a spoken word, a smile or a written message.

We pray that Your love, peace, joy and grace might come close this week as we strive to walk the way, follow the rules and seek You. Amen

commandments commandments

Hymn 107: The love of God comes close
tune Rhosymedre, with Intro.

1. The love of God comes close
where stands an open door,
to let the stranger in,
to mingle rich and poor.
The love of God is here to stay,
embracing those who walk the Way;
the love of God is here to stay.

2. The peace of God comes close
to those caught in the storm,
forgoing lives of ease
to ease the lives forlorn.
The peace of God is here to stay,
embracing those who walk the Way;
the peace of God is here to stay.

3. The joy of God comes close
where faith encounters fears,
where heights and depths of life
are found through smiles and tears.
The joy of God is here to stay,
embracing those who walk his Way;
the joy of God is here to stay.

4. The grace of God comes close
to those whose grace is spent,
when hearts are tired or sore
and hope is bruised and bent.
The grace of God is here to stay,
embracing those who walk the Way;
the grace of God is here to stay.

5. The Son of God comes close
where people praise his name,
where bread and wine are blest
and shared as when he came.
The Son of God is here to stay,
embracing those who walk the Way;
the Son of God is here to stay.

John Bell (1949-); Graham Maule (1958 - 2019)


Invitation to Communion

I invite you to join with me and share communion together by going to Northgate Facebook page or YouTube channel -If you are joining in at home please have some bread and 'wine' ready

Communion Narrative

It is Jesus Himself who invites His followers to this table. It is for all who love our Lord and seek to follow Him in their daily living.

His love is not conditioned by our failings, nor withdrawn on account of our sin, but His grace is sufficient for all our needs.

This invitation is to all who desire to know the love of God; who cry out to share the joy of our Lord and who would live in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

Whoever you are, whatever you have done, share the broken bread, symbol of Christ's broken body as he revealed God's forgiving grace

However much you believe or however much you doubt; whatever struggles in faith and faithfulness you experience, share the poured out wine, symbol of the life and love of God in Jesus to renew hope and restore confidence.

Jesus said to his disciples "I am the living bread, receive my life from the Father. The bread, which I shall give, is myself for the life of the world. Anyone who eats this bread will have eternal life"

On another occasion Jesus said to the people "if anyone is thirsty let him come to me, whoever believes in me, let him drink. Anyone who lives believing in me shall not die"

By your Holy Spirit sanctify us and these yours gifts of bread and wine that the bread which we break may be the communion of the body of Christ and the cup we bless may be the communion of the blood of Christ. As we share the suffering of Christ, so give us grace to know the power of his resurrection that we may be made one and evermore abide in him, to your praise and glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

On the night when Jesus was betrayed, He gathered His disciples together for supper. During the meal Jesus took bread; He gave thanks to God and then He broke the bread and gave it to them saying "this is my body which is broken for you; take and eat. Do this when you eat to remember me"

When they had eaten, He poured wine into a cup saying "this cup is the new covenant in my blood for the forgiving of sin. Take and drink each one of you and do this to remember me"

Paul tells us of these words and adds "as often as you eat this bread and drink of this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until His coming again"

Sharing the Elements

break bread(the bread) This is the bread which we break, it is our sharing in the Body of Christ. We take and eat, a sign that we come as individuals who matter, each to our God.

drink wine(the wine) This Cup which we bless and take, it is our sharing in the life of our risen Lord. we take and drink, a sign that we come as one body of disciples to love and serve in the kingdom of Christ Jesus.

Thanksgiving and Intercession

Not as we ought but as we are able, so we give you praise and thanks, O Lord our God, for all that the earthly life of Jesus revealed of your love for your creation and for all its life and all its peoples. Even those who shared that life in His company failed to grasp the measure of your grace in Him; how can we claim to know its fullness?

Humbly we ask your forbearance and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we may:

- reach imaginatively and creatively for your guidance in our daily service in Jesus' name.
- Speak your word through what we say and do;
- let our hands carry the touch of your power;
- may our smiles become the expression of your understanding;
-our warmth the vehicle of your grace.

So now we offer you ourselves - our failures for your correction and our commitment for your enrichment, that our lives may reflect your glory and our service be the vehicle of the grace that you give. Amen

'as your bread may we be broken, scattered in community; we who know your greatest blessings called to share Christ's ministry'

"Past put behind us, for the future take us, Lord of our lives, to live for Christ alone":

Hymn 603 Lord for the years
tune: Lord of the years, with Intro.

1. Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided,
urged and inspired us, cheered us on our way,
sought us and saved us, pardoned and provided,
Lord of the years, we bring our thanks today.

2. Lord, for that word, the word of life which fires us,
speaks to our hearts and sets our souls ablaze,
teaches and trains, rebukes us and inspires us,
Lord of the word receive your people's praise.

3. Lord, for our land, in this our generation,
spirits oppressed by pleasure, wealth and care;
for young and old, for commonwealth and nation,
Lord of our land be pleased to hear our prayer.

4. Lord, for our world; when we disown and doubt him,
loveless in strength, and comfortless in pain;
hungry and helpless, lost indeed without him,
Lord of the world, we pray that Christ may reign.

5. Lord, for ourselves; in living power remake us,
self on the cross and Christ upon the throne;
past put behind us, for the future take us,
Lord of our lives, to live for Christ alone.

Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926-)


Let us go out into world ready to be the hands of God.
May His wisdom constantly be guide us,
may His love be evident in all we say and do, and . . .
may His Blessing be upon us now and always

Amen Amen Amen


Next week, the service will be led by Revd Ruth Crofton

Don't forget the live streamed hymns on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. from Zöe (via Facebook)
These are available to view later as well. (via YouTube, for those without Facebook, and also Facebook)
The streamings are a great success - well done, Zöe!
The recorded streamings are now, thanks to Harry Marshall, available to all on YouTube - search for 'Northgate URC Darlington'.

Ask Harry to invite you to the Northgate Facebook Group and you will get a notification of the live stream.
- Or you can just search for 'Northgate URC Darlington' in Facebook.

The URC denominational church audio Services (podcasts) at https://devotions.urc.org.uk/ are excellent, with well-delivered prayers and readings using a selection of voices and well-presented hymns.

Do give these a try - they are excellent.

(Just start the sound playing and scroll down to the written words)

Why not put the time aside for Zoe at 10:45, our preacher's service after that and follow up with the podcast - you will feel as if you had been IN church, as well as WITH church.
